More about Mebo Theatre
MEBO Theatre Documentaries Ltd., also known as MEBO Theatre, was founded in 2006 as an arts and culture enterprise that seeks to play a central role in the creative, cultural and socio-economic development of people in Uganda and Eastern Africa through capacity building, research and networking. Over the years, MEBO Theatre has branded itself as a Producer of Young People’s Theatre, most likely at present, the only such a company in the region. Our MEBO TIP (MEBO TIP-P) programme works with children and young adults during school holidays to stimulate, discover, and grow their creativity, self-confidence, and abilities for sustainable livelihoods now and in the future. Our Di-LOG (Dialogue and Languages of Peace) programme works through creative and performing arts to promote peace, social justice, and gender equity for sustainable development

Our Team

Nill Smith
Head. Legal Advising

Kevin Thomson
Founder u0026amp; CEO

Alex Browne
Director, Finance

Alex Peter
Marketing Head
Words From Our Clients

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Latest Projects

THE Man who laid the Golden Egg
THE Man who Laid the Golden EggMan slept and dreamt he had died and gone to heaven. He was taken to …

Mebo Holiday programme 2020 4 Email
Mebo Holiday programme 2020 4 EmailWhen we decided to enroll 13 year olds plus into the regular MEBO…